Unsere Zeiten Sind Unsere Körper
To crumble towards a centre, rather than to the ground.
Elischa Heller’s second release is as much a deepening repetition of his debut «Unsere Kanten Sind Aus Samt», as it is an exploration of new contexts to thrive in. He finds comfort in the vision of a post-time world, where beings, ideas and intuitions prosper in radical simultaneities. Everything is invertible, to go on is to be reversed; how fearless we would be, if there was no duration for anything. It’s field recordings and it’s pop, and in between an arrangement of questions. c) There is so much destruction in understanding, b) To be emotional is the most intellectual thing we can do and a) To feel helpless for a reason.
Stop forcing, and never ever ever ever count anything again.
released on BlauBlau Records, 07.04.2023
All music written, performed, recorded and mixed by Elischa Heller
Mastered by Angel Marcloid at Angel Hair Audio (angelhairaudio.com)
Artwork by Bureau Mia (bureaumia.ch)
Supported by Stadt Zürich Kultur, Fachstelle Kultur Kanton Zürich und Erna und Curt Burgauer Stiftung